A Sense Of Place Publishing


Government Gangsters: The Deep State, the Truth, and the Battle for Our Democracy 

“Government Gangsters” by Kash Pramod Patel is a scathing critique of what the author describes as the ‘Deep State’ within the U.S. government, detailing how unelected officials and bureaucrats have allegedly manipulated national policy for their own ends, undermining democratic processes. Patel, with his extensive background in high-level government positions, provides an insider’s perspective on these operations, focusing on several pivotal events during and post-Trump’s presidency.

The book begins by outlining Patel’s career trajectory, which includes roles in the Department of Defence, the National Security Council, and as a key figure in the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into Russian election interference in 2016. This background sets the stage for his critique, where he accuses various government entities, notably the FBI, DOJ, and intelligence communities, of overstepping their bounds. Patel claims these agencies have misused their powers, particularly targeting the Trump administration through tactics like the Steele Dossier, which he argues was instrumental in initiating the Russia investigation, leading to what he perceives as an illegal surveillance of Trump’s campaign.

Patel delves into the concept of the ‘Deep State,’ describing it as a network of powerful individuals within government who operate without democratic oversight, manipulating policy for their benefit. He accuses this network of orchestrating events to control political outcomes, including the handling of the January 6th Capitol riot, which he suggests was exaggerated and politically motivated to target Trump supporters.

A significant portion of the book is dedicated to the events surrounding January 6th, where Patel criticizes the portrayal of the incident, arguing that the narrative was manipulated to serve political ends. He discusses how the response to January 6th, including the treatment of those involved, was disproportionately harsh compared to other political protests, suggesting a bias in law enforcement and judicial responses.

Moreover, Patel addresses the military’s role, particularly highlighting what he sees as unconstitutional actions by high-ranking military officers, including discussions with foreign counterparts about potential U.S. military actions, which he views as a breach of civilian control over the military.

The narrative also touches on the suppression of information regarding Hunter Biden’s overseas dealings, which Patel claims was deliberately hidden from the public to influence the 2020 election. This, he argues, exemplifies how the ‘Deep State’ manipulates information to sway public opinion and electoral outcomes.

Patel’s book isn’t just a recount of events but a call to action. He advocates for reforms to dismantle what he perceives as a corrupt system, suggesting ways to restore government accountability and transparency. His insights are bolstered by his access to declassified documents, which he uses to debunk what he sees as myths propagated by the ‘Deep State,’ including detailed timelines and official reports concerning January 6th.

Government Gangsters is not just a critique but a call to action, advocating for a return to government accountability and transparency.
